National Best Selling Book Help I Need A Fan reviewed By The RAWSISTAZ Reviewers (

National Best Selling Book Help I Need A Fan reviewed By The RAWSISTAZ Reviewers ( Imagine the stress and fear that assails a perfectly healthy vegetarian who exercises and does everything right when she is suddenly attacked by strange body pain, waves of heat followed by icy chills and mood swings that threaten everyone around her. Then there is the loss of libido in a woman who has enjoyed sex with the best of them. Suddenly, she is no longer interested and doesn't want to be bothered by her husband. This was Rashida Aisha Ali's introduction to menopause; or a pause from men as she puts it, exactly as the name implies. She takes us through her rollercoaster journey of Hormone Replacement Therapy back to the natural remedies. Ms. Ali lets us in on her most intimate thoughts and feelings as she attempts to survive the ups and downs of a situation that seems to be forbidden to discuss. And think about it: did your mother tell you anything at all about menopause? ...